A Numinous Way of Being

A NUMINOUS WAY OF BEING tells the story of Molly Dalton, a thirty-something year old career professional juggling the demands of working full-time while raising three children alone, one of whom has autism.

If Molly could have two wishes granted, one would be to cure her son’s autism, and the other would be to bring back her dead husband. Two years after John’s suicide, Molly is haunted by visions of being in an airplane that is going down. Each time she knows she is supposed to put on her oxygen mask first, yet she continues to struggle to put the mask on her son as she loses consciousness. This is how her grieving process has been, as the demands of raising a child with autism make everything else come second.

Nearing an emotional breakdown and knowing that neither of her wishes will ever be granted, Molly seeks counseling, realizing what she really needs is to learn to be at peace amidst difficult circumstances.

As she sets her intention and moves forward, Molly is challenged to keep her footing when she is diagnosed with a serious illness that may compromise her career and financial stability. However, she is also given the opportunity to rise above her circumstances through various people and situations that offer her guidance and hope. Her journey is one where her beliefs, her thoughts, and her perspectives are tested each step of the way.

Through her heroic perseverance Molly experiences a series of subtle shifts, and she triumphantly comes to not only find peace in her circumstances, but to embrace her son’s autism, seeing it as more than a disability, but as an amazing gift that she can’t wait to tell the world about.

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